Friday, October 9, 2009

This Tuesday

As most of you are probably aware, CJAM 91.5 AM is no more due to a signal change to 99.1 FM. We still are retaining the CJAM logo and the amazing hyper-specialized content; the only thing that's changing is our spot on the dial. With that said, this Tuesday will be the first broadcast of New Pulse at this new frequency, and because I've had a week off for station maintenance, the show will be unreal. I don't want to fully give away what I plan on blasting at you folks, but I assure you I've had two weeks of musical preperatory work to ensure an extremely energetic show.

So be sure to tune in on Tuesday October 13 for an amazing lineup and many Tuesdays to follow at New Pulse's and ultimately CJAM FM's new home at 99.1 FM.

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